November 01, 2010

The Day after Halloween

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This year, the Halloween marathon narrowed down to 3 films:

The Evil Dead
Suicide Club (Suicide Circle)

And I don't know, but is it just me or Suicide Club is just a more stylist version of Halloween III: Season of the Witch... in the core the premise is just the same, evil via technology will take the life of people... What else I can say without spoilers, if you have seen it, what do you think?

And then there was the Scream Awards (I should have picked another DVD, but well...) The only reason I was eager to see this show was the Scream 4 teaser, but it hit the net quicker than swine flu, but really? the bunch of 'hardcore' horror fans cheering to K-Stew and the whole Twilight crap???? O_o

I guess now I can proudly announce my love for musicals in front of that crowd... not that I've ever denied it.